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Friday, June 12, 2009

The Tour Guide

I have now been in Hong Kong for about 8 days now and it just keeps getting more wonderful, although I drastically underestimated how much fun it would be to do it all by myself and run around Hong Kong with no schedule but my own. Now that my family has arrived I am playing tour guide going from one site to the next. Explaining every Chinese tradition and every little thing that doesn't look American. Every single thing they do is compared to America and American prices. They think just because it sounds cheap they are getting a great deal, I wish I had a better way to teach them the ways of the orient. 
 It has been extremely interesting to watch them as we travel throughout the city, they look like lost dogs with no leader. Like little kids that walk into a toy store and want to play with every toy they can see. I knew how uneducated in this culture and this people, but I also didn't think they would be so American. They don't try to see things the way the people do, they don't try to think the way these people do. I think this has been the greatest obstacle in trying to help them know how to get around and how to deal with people. 
Don't get me wrong. I am loving it here and it has been so fun to show my parents everything that I did for two years. It has been fun for all of the people I worked with to meet with my parents and to see why I love this place so much. 
   I think when it all comes down to it this is just a different place that takes time to understand and experiences that they will have to get used to. 
 But as for now I'm just the tour guide!

1 comment:

  1. haha that's like me when I'm in Park City ... well you must remember that everything is quite new to them,after all they have nothing to compare it to except their American experience - besides it's great that your family is so curious about everything! Well have fun today and I want to see more photos up :)
